Mental Crossroads
Strolling along past scenes
and dreams of consciousness
He arrived at a crossroads
in his mind
“I choose Joy!” he declared
as he took
the right path for himself
Opossum plays dead
at the least little fright
He even smells dead!
Can you imagine
spending your life
pretending not to be
fully alive and present?
Lots of possums ’round here…
Examples aplenty
in Nature can be found
for serenity and courage
most naturally abound
Bear, for example, is easy
serenely walking the woods
yet with courage faces obstacles
And how ’bout squirrel
with all his chattering
stops to ponder for a moment
shows serenity in action
and courage planting trees
They’ve planted 4 oaks, 2 figs
2 maples and assorted grapes
in my yard