The machinist wept organically
having fallen from eagle’s grace
Bravado continues to control things
instead, fell on his face
• • •
It’s tough when you think
you know stuff and how
to put them all together
To instead allow release in surrender
letting God make it better
Vagueness of obstruction
an aspect of disconnect
Clarity of purpose hinged
on actions of the heart’s courage
The toughest part
of soft velvet nights
when stars multiply
the senses?
The awe burgeons
chest feels as if
it will explode and
cry forever in spicy joy
Can taste buds ever forgive
sweet yearning curls?
as one more baby arrives?
yet another fragile blossom unfurls?
Courageous love rears
and stands confident amongst the stars
Was a peach
A tasty peach was he
Rich and ripe
And full of
Luscious juice
May your day
Be absolutely juicy!
Let it drip down your chin!