The Story

The Story

The story goes without moving
takes us on a journey
through time and space
without ever leaving our seat
And when it is complete
our bodies believe we’ve been
in spite of the cricks and stiffness
due to lack of actual movement

Time to step out of the story
and go for a walk


How is what I say any different
from what you say or she says or he says?
It is but thought described
in word or deed or image
a photograph, if you will
of a moment in time
and by the time it is expressed
it is a solid bit of evidence
no longer in the now moment
except as this static piece of history
from one perspective
it is all story

Mad Dog

Mad Dog

Mad dog barking
at the gate
Ready to burst free
rush past implements of reason
Enter the wilderness
in feral abandon
Sink toes in mud
and staunch the wild storm
running with the wind…
So, where’s your mad dog at the moment?

Expectant Dawn

Right before dawn
there is an expectancy
Sung cheerfully
through every beak
Felt hopefully
in every leaf
just after that darkest part
New day dawning
new beginning begun

Bearing Fruit

After a lifetime full
of bearing fruit
limbs heavy with their bounty
The gnarled old tree stood majestically
all a-bloom
festooned for spring
As if only a youngster
pumped and prepared
for a dance
or other jubilant merriment
Full of joyousness and anticipation
of the fruit of another season