Other Side of Summer

Remember in deep summer
when the bees buzzed
and the heat held you pillowed
in the teeming meadow
and the lavender labyrinth?

This crisp chill
and watered sunlight
with staccato litany
of crunchy steps
and lonesome bird calls
is the other side of that

Now is the opportunity
to remember
the warmth within…

Spicy Spark

Intense imaginations
sandwiched between tepid
actions of rote

Neutral in charge
yet forward in movement

The spicy spark
fuel from the soul
powers every step
each movement

Toward building solid foundations
‘neath the castles of our dreams

Stepping Into Alive

The choice arises new each day
between the busy and sleepy eyes
amid sullied plans of yesterday
and expectant visions of tomorrow

Nestled softly among decisions plenty
disguised as a subtle choice with no face
the either/or of it lost to better minds
so it is oftimes overlooked

Sometimes gratitude or love
will produce response – awakening awareness

In that moment choice is made
as a gentle shifting of the heart
a quickening of the spirits dance
whereupon a stepping into alive
brightens the countenance

Hide and Seek

One grey day
when even the shadows
were dull and listless

He noticed a suspicious sparkle
out the side of his perceptions

He discovered the prismatic
rainbow colors
lurking on the periphery

Playing hide and seek
with his consciousness

“Come out, come out,
wherever you are!”

Doorway into Home

A hidden spot, a verdant glade
with singing birds
dragonflies, butterflies
and tinkling stream

‘Neath a canopy of dancing leaves
and stately needles and cedars

A treasure for the senses
hidden in plain view
amidst the busy-ness
tucked within the city

A doorway into Home