Charged by the people
that he meets and greets
He’s a cosmic cheerleader
an ear with a heart
A friend to the friendless
A light at the door
A young man with an old soul
Words of encouragement
a smile in the heart
with tender hearted caring
Embodying service
on the high watch
in success or defeat
(In honor of our friend – Dean, at the co-op)
Once, when the blue tulip bloomed
a little caterpillar awoke to the sunrise
and raised half his many legs in greetings
A salute of honor
A silent acknowledgement
of the nurturing warmth
Gratitude requires no words
It is an exercise of the heart
In the shadow of the moonlight
where mystery stalks our thoughts
A palpable encompassing force
creeps beside, around and through
A midnight walk in forest
A solo flight in deep wood
into dreams and deeper things
There the shadows lurk
with not a bit of timid
and sounds arise enlarged
to wreak a cacophony of fears
Still each of us remains a light
and all of us are Sacred
So every nook may be embraced
and each peaceful, joyful, thrill relished
A big joyous sound swelled forth
from lips and instruments
like a huge wave
in a happy storm
People dancing in the aisles
waving arms and wagging heads
Young and old alike
jubilant, energized
filled with holy Spirit
Awake, aware, alive!