Canopy of Leaves

The canopy of shivering leaves
danced the light across her face

Waking up dreams of soft spring days
followed by warm summer nights
each magical in their own way

On their own day
one moment at a time…

Child at Play

Once in a while or a day
it’s a great idea to play
to stand things on their head
or turn them around instead

Imagine, if you will
the surprises that can arise
when, with flow, you flex and turn
yet centered, in Spirit still

Whence the bottom becomes top
and the world, it flip flops
Let the child in you be awake
for the joy of it, for goodness sake…

Deja Vu

After these years together
as some sparkling new day begins
so many times I notice
it’s déjà vu all over again

Familiarity, it seems
(at least, in our experience)
causes not contemptuous lip

Instead a deepening of Love

With new eyes, I see you again
a whole new being with tender spots
and blossoming heart
Ever richer connection

Child’s Imagination

A child with great imagination
stood at the brink of insight

With a smile upon her face
eyes of wonder and mystery
softened even the toughest heart
As fantastic stories of epic proportion
flowed from her mind
tickling her lips on arrival

Spirit’s Tapestry

You are a thread…
in the tapestry of God’s presence

A note…
in the celestial symphony
of Great Spirit’s creative expression

And Great Spirit
is so in love with you