Window of the Soul

Window of the Soul

Stones of Change header
Window of the Soul - Western door

Window of the Soul

Window of the Soul is the stone that holds the energies of the West at the Western door: the place of emotions, the adult, dreamtime, and the element of water.

When I first set up the circle this stone was insistent, and quite clear that it belonged in the West in the circle. There was no arguing with it. It is a stone that has been with me for many years, and I have used it extensively.

It is a smokey, veiled quartz and acts as a catalyst as it helps one to access soul messages, lucid dreamtime, and channelled information. It can be used effectively in a healing session as well.



Oh, the merry go round goes round
and we go up and down

And though the world
does not revolve around me
I am centered in my own being

Over and around and through
I am uplifted, supported and floating

On the abundance
of everything good

Birth of a Song

He stepped into the meadow
and many dragonflies greeted him
in the lightly slanted sunlight

His Spirit frolicked
as the new song burst
fully formed

From his lips, from his heart,
and from his grateful Spirit

Gratitude Dance

Caterpillar inched along
the caterpillar path

Marked only in his mind
with determination and zeal

Doing his little gratitude dance
with all his hairy legs
every 2-3 feet or so


Potential Contemplation

Sitting on the shore of contemplation
he let the tsunami of love
wash over him

The look of bliss on his face
incredibly sweet…

One more time, he realized,
another moment appeared

Full of potential
for any kind of experience
he wished to have

• • •

*Note: Just to let you know what’s been happening with the Daily Napkin, Marshal fell off a ladder three Sundays ago and has not been going to work for the last two weeks while he recovers from his injuries. His healing is progressing quite well, thank you, and he will most likely be returning to work next week. In the meantime, we will fill in with some past Napkins that haven’t been posted before. Our apologies for two weeks of no posting and please enjoy.