The object of their attention
was tiptoeing past them
as if they couldn’t see it
Thinking “If I don’t look at them,
they won’t see me.”
They watched with curiousity…
Mourning Dove
sat on the compost pile
Moving her head to and fro
inspecting the sticks sticking out
She’d grab first one
and then another tight in her beak
Only to drop and hop
to another section
Finally, with chest puffed up
she’d found the perfect stick
Flying off with it to build
another flimsy nest
He developed a fancy tool
It had flaps
like airplane wings
and very sophisticated mechanisms
all created for one purpose
Yet still it was very difficult
pushing the river
It was a blessed day
when it failed
and he surrendered
Upon awakening
A tiny rumble deep
Began to gather in earnest
Arising through layers
Various thicknesses
As joy does rise up the spine
Until it hits the vocal chords
The sound as clear and true
As a bell or a foghorn
Purpose ringing true
Throughout the Universe…