
Every moment I experience
in full consciousness
an eternity
stirs in my depths



Tell my heart, please
not to burst
with joy, and love, and overwhelming Grace
Whisper softly on the breezes of your breath
gratitudes, prolific gratitudes
Savor the sweet aroma of Spirit rising
surrounding every thought
encompassing every feeling
uplifting every deed
The giving of thanks
engulfed in the Praises

All for One

Like an earnest
herd of elephants,
community gathered ’round
held her up with love
and other soft arguments
bolstered her confidence
when her own faltered…
The family of man and woman
came through in the pinch,
left her not in a lurch
and kept aloft her trusting heart


Whittling away with a dull little knife
Nibbling a bit at a time
Keeping the surface smooth
A spider web in the sun
casting rainbow glitters
upon my eye
Dancing in the nonexistant breeze
Some days, it’s like that
chinks of excess scraped away
yet wispy hope glitters
in the light


Porcupine sat there
in the tall brown
winter grass
looking sideways
posing perfectly hidden
in plain sight
Until he walked off
in his jaunty fashion,
Smile on, innocence…
Furlough Friday

Furlough Friday

these days of unknown
some time
the fish out of water
learned how to breathe
up-leveled to a new species
the state of amphibians
leaping to new

Old Sol

There, just above horizon,
upon first kissing the field
with tender light
and hints of warmth,
old Sol glints upon my eyes…
Here I stand with upraised arms
earth beneath my feet
and gaze into emblazoned beauty…
My cup overflows
joyous life runneth over


There’s a flowering,
even as winter approaches
multi-petalled blossoms
brilliant colors,
mind explodes in bouquets
of ideas and plans
epiphanies and aha’s
Mum’s the word…
Common blooms extraordinary
as leaves are falling

Moment of Peace

The value of your
moment of peace
is priceless — is
timeless— as you
are always in it
at your center


Your treasury is full
of gems and gold..
You, and your
spirit are very