
Nostalgic Picture

Barefoot the two walked hand in hand, along the shore   A nostalgic picture of simple romance   Yet secretly, separately they dreamed of playing frisbee   Of splashing, running hair blowing  

Happy Squirrel

Walking on the fence all jiggy with the up and down of the dog-eared boards   Little squirrel, the acrobat his tail flickering for balance   Who needs an umbrella when you've got a tail?   What conflicted decision when you're just a happy squirrel?

Twirling Into Light

She danced awake the stars lifting her veil with panache   Dramatic undertones apparent to even the passerby   As she twirled into light the fiber of her universe   Colored past lines of false limitations   Yet grounded in reality of impossible made likely in the...

Sweetness of Life

Stirring up the bowl of Life She drizzled in a bit of honey   A simple thought of gratitude to sweeten it up

Joy of Life x3

Wow! OK, so I did not start writing on here everyday. However, I have been feeling great joy everyday! First, and foremost in the JOY category lately has been the experience of becoming a Grandma. I am so very deeply grateful for being able to be at the hospital the...

Iridescent Wings

My eyes get caught in the lattice work of the iridescent dragonfly wings   A map into infinity blessed by magic and joy ---------------------------------------------- Here in the field where the dragonflies wing   Joy rises in my chest lilting, fluttering joy


One misty, moisty morning spider hid in her little hideaway   All web-building put on hold she had time to reflect in her spider fashion   "Hmmm," she thought "A juicy fly would taste mighty fine right now!"

Circle of Intention

In the circle of her intention   The heart expanded with exhilaration and the Spirit soared   On windstreams of inspiration

Happy Being

The bouncing red rubber ball went everywhere   Without heeding rules of decorum...   Just a happy being expressing joy

Peace Meal

Restless in the crevices where the backwaters splash and swirl   And the eddies of my thoughts turn around and round   Yet at the center where the minnows meet it is still and calm   I float and breathe in peace meal breath