Give It to Me Straight
Sometimes, sidewaysIs the straightest pathWhat feels like off the beamIs merely a tweakingTo get more on trackAnd then there’s the crabWalking sideways is straightAnswers lurk in the angle=======================More important than warp or weftIs the fabric qualityNo...
Brilliant Tree
Like a flamethe yellow tree stoodshowing off brilliantlyever mindful of her jobto be a beacon of lightwhere planted
Alchemical Soup
Mesmerized by beliefyet flying on fledgling wingsin alchemist’s soupThe Truth – the Light shone forthin brilliant anticipationof faithful flightPropped by miracleslife’s appearance magicalThen every momentunfolds with great aplombOr not…
Cape of Dreams
He wore his dreamslike a cape of courageWoven of conscious constructfrom the fabric giftedas visions from guidanceHe walked with his head up highthrough trepidation and every old storytold in whispered breathby ghostly voices of the pastThus, he sang his soul’s...
Functioning Site – What a Joy!
I've heard it said that if you want God to laugh, tell him you've got plans. Well, a comic by nature, I did just that. I have been re-building my website one page at a time for quite some while. I was being painstaking because I wanted to make it better than ever...
Sweetness of Image
For me, there is a whole different paradigm for creating effective illustrations than creating fine art from the mind's eye. Just like when I begin a piece of art, whenever I start to create an illustration I can see the beautiful outcome in my mind's eye. It's so...
Sandy Respite
Sullied sand‘neath crimson sunsetHarried by noneslowly sifts away trouble--------------------------------------Rest my boneson the beachbetween sand and sunwhile breezes washmy brow with kisses-----------------------------------Ah, Respite!
Friendship Poem
If I were to write a friendship poemfilled with joy, lovemy deep appreciationAnd hide it in the pocket of your shirtor prop it up on the tablewhere you eat your breakfastWhat a little thingthat would beYet shift happensLike a butterfly’s fluttering wingthat one small...
Hallowed Eyes
Hallowed eyesgrasp me in their griptelling stories of an oldcrisp and dusty natureAwakening feelingsstale in fleshand bright in SpiritKeep me ever in that gazeLet the shackles slip awaycrusted build up softenAnd new day dawnaround mewithin me…
Camera Mugging
Sometimes, he has too much funDancing and cracking upMugging it up for some non-existent cameraThe joy bubbling throughin an almost frantic paceOn those high-stepping daysof Laurel and Hardy movesand free-flowing morning scatI appreciate his sense of humorand the way...