Daily Napkin for Tuesday, November 3, 2009
At dawning, the full moonpaling on her journey west..Birds shake awake withcrisping leaves glowingnew light awakening..Misunderstood crowscaw indiscriminately --city roosters betweendarkness and light
Daily Napkin for Monday, November 2, 2009
Caught up in to do'sand forgetting to be,the train of thoughtthundered past reason...There in the wreckagewas surrender,there was hope to be discovered...There the path of peacewas rediscovered and embraced
Daily Napkin for Friday, October 30, 2009
Not so long ago,he thought himselfself-contained,all right there in onewrapped up package...Perceptions change instantlywith a new lens prescription"Ah!", as a new life dawned..."I am onewith all of One"
Daily Napkin for Thursday, October 29, 2009
Once upon entering a valley,a woman, involved interior,awoke to unlikely fact:She was being chased by a rainbow...As her vehicle sped, she leduntil phantom color bridgescooted ahead and stood,arched over the road before her..."Improbable, unlikely,...
Daily Napkin for Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We danced under the full moonthe coyotes yelpingthe fire cracklingthe singers taking turnsand beating the drumRound and round untilwe had merged with earthuntil the last singercould sing no more,my wild heart alive with joy
Daily Napkin for Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Early sunlightreflected on shinymagnolia leaves,lightly chilled breezetickled the aspen,squirrel bustled paston some kind of mission...Clouds drift by fluffymarking time on their marchto the mountains
Daily Napkin for Monday, October 26, 2009
In this very moment,the treasures of the heartbreak free from bondsplaced blindly in dark placesin the game with blindfoldsstumbling...Like a slow motion novaor the flowering of light,heartspace expands,lighting even those lurkingin corners into bright
Graphics on the Fly
So, here I am working on some project and I get a phone call: Emergency! Gotta have something for this afternoon! What do I do?First off, there are no emergencies! Only tighter deadlines, in my book. Secondly, if I have received the challenge of producing a graphic...
Year 0ne
Playful as a puppy,I ran with the bone of thought:I AM LIGHT!then by instinctin the world of fear,I buried it to find again another day
Daily Napkin for Saturday, October 24, 2009
At the well, we can drink in the source, or even play in it. It is an artesian well, always bubbling up with an abundance of essence of lifestuff