
Daily Napkin for Monday, December 7, 2009

Let's pretendanother era, another timeget out the tea setdress up in big hatstie pin and cravattea most highwith scones and other goodiesand long conversationtidbits and conviviality...You and I

The Technical Fast Lane

When I say to a client, "Sure, I can do that!" it is based on years of experience and invested in developing technical savvy that I base my claims. Grounded in a solid fine art background, design is second nature to me. Besides that, I grok computer logic. I've been...

The Joy of Faith

It's been rough lately. Technical difficulties which have come close to overwhelming me. Old paranoia arising. I must say that if as indicated by the movie Jacob's Ladder the demon's in our lives are our angels sent to bless us with the path to true union, then the...

Twofer from Year 1

Twofer from Year 1

Who loves the scorpion-the big ugly bug with deadly sting?God does.Brother scorpion is part of all creationjust as are we_____________Yes!Yes to lifeYes to all that life delivers!Yes to the full expressionof Spirit in my life!

Year one – Turtle

Year one – Turtle

First you havean epiphany:"Ah-ha," said the turtle,"If I keep puttingone foot in front of the otherI'll get there eventually!"

Daily Napkin for Thursday, December 3, 2009

In the closeness of the fogpalpable silence enfoldsall the birds hidden and silentclustered in some forgotten placeSounds of the adventurous,foolhardy or bravemuffled, enclosedYet, even here, in this greynessmy heart beats the gentle rhythmlove sings a happy dittyjoy...


A long way up the mountainas I journeyedfrom my head to my heartfollowed hawkand dreamed my place...There on the mountainI met porcupineand deferred to her welcomein all innocence

Turtle Walk

Turtle Walk

Steadily, steadilyone step and then anotherwith turtle patienceand tortoise determinationSteadily, steadilymore aligned, more awareLife, the curlicue decorationswhile focused on the destinationsteadily stepping through fogand sleet, sunshine and darkSpirit navigates...

Birthday Song

Out of the eyes, tears sprangas you sang from your heartto mine -- a Spirit songI cry for happywhen joyous acheoverwhelms essencewhen gentle wordsin tenderness treadupon heartstringsas delicate as spiderwebs


Once,or maybe twicethe veil between realitiesslipped out of placeknocking the do-dadsfrom their normal hangoutand adding a senseof wonderto an otherwise normal day