Most every work day for more than 11 years, I wrote a love note, poem or other inspirational thought, on a napkin – and tucked it in my husband, Marshal’s, lunch – a ritual of the heart. At the beginning of 2009, Marshal started typing them up. It became OUR ritual of the heart to share the Daily Napkin as a blog. Then, in October 2015, Marshal retired, so the whole dynamic changed. I took several months to re-evaluate and decide what I was going to do. The poetry of the napkin is now joined with my art and/or photography images. May you enjoy them. May they feed your spirit.
Center of the Heart
Far and away the most important sound is that of the heartbeat at the center of the universe Where is the center of infinity? Right here, right now Stand clear essence of unconditional love coming through I am Love
There is a place deep in my heart Where truth shines bright all love reigns It's there I go in times of need for solace and healing Communing in stillness
Over the bridge to self-discovery they walked hand in hand Each alone within their thoughts Yet they were of one mind Ah! The lovely paradox
Old House
The old house is empty awaiting the new family that may never arrive Shingles lost and hinges broke it's sat for a long time still Chilldren's voices haunt its halls and emotions once strong and deep reminiscenses and memories the old house silently keeps
Life Garden
Dappled light tickles the senses awakening nimble thoughts quieting busy busyness Breathe deep contemplate Verdant canopy in constant motion even the slightest breeze moves them to dancing Perpetual motion sweet peace within -----------------------------------------...
Now from Then
The bones remember ancestors habit and pattern proclivity and appetence The heart recalls yesterday's yearning while beckoned today divine challenge The mind turns and weaves in silent interpretation ever appraising the moment now, past, or future Aligned as one
Hollow Log
The hollow log was home to many and the breezes blew through That dead old tree gives life and sustenance to the earth on the floor of the living forest Bugs and squirrels burrowing or scurrying winged or crawly
Pedal Pushing
As muscles flex and stretch to push the pedals and my face into the wind The ache, the bite awakens endorphins and the rush helps push further and further Such sweet pain
Friends of the Past
Friends Far off in time or space soften my heart still With friendship's grace without uttering a word nor treading my step I can conjure their faces and love them fully with no contact ever I will carry them always
Gratitudes Grace
A sentinel of heart's rejoicing gratitude rang true in all of my consciousness Every ember of life's passion flamed bright in the breezes caused by fresh thoughts and epiphanies Riding on the heels of thankfulness Blessings abound
Spring in Summer
Spring sprang into summer this year without a hitch Soft summer nights bolted after late rains Edges of seasons blended in a variety of ways Keeping us ever surprised a benefit of conscious living
Wheel of Life
Inspiration Instigation Integration Celebration --------------------- The wheel of Life while fully engaged turns round and round and again... Inspiration (epiphany) Instigation (footwork) Integration (new habit) Celebration (gratitude)