The Daily Napkin

Most every work day for more than 11 years, I wrote a love note, poem or other inspirational thought, on a napkin – and tucked it in my husband, Marshal’s, lunch – a ritual of the heart. At the beginning of 2009, Marshal started typing them up. It became OUR ritual of the heart to share the Daily Napkin as a blog. Then, in October 2015, Marshal retired, so the whole dynamic changed. I took several months to re-evaluate and decide what I was going to do. The poetry of the napkin is now joined with my art and/or photography images. May you enjoy them. May they feed your spirit.

Opportunity for Blessing

Opportunity for Blessing

* Note: Celebrating April 1, we begin a new practice - uploading the napkin itself, rather than just the words. We had some requests and suggestions for that, so overcoming Dena's propensity to demand perfection from herself, we will do this. Do you like this idea?...

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Raise the Vibration

Filled with the light of SpiritSpirit, Spirit, SpiritThrilled with expression of SpiritI'm a walking beacon of loveHey there, sittin' on the fencesHo there, standin' on the lineYeah, you there, eyes downcast nowtime to raise the vibrationJust smilemake a decision and...

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Lean on the Ancestors

Times like thesewhen the air gets heavyAnd even the words are slowit is good to lean on the ancestorsLet the wisdom and the foiblessiphoned and filtered through ages of hopes and dreams and prayersRise up through our rootsto nourish our human beingnessFirmly rooted,...

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Don’t You Know?

You are LoveYou are LightYou are Spirit's expressionYou are goodYou are rightYou are simply amazing!---------------------------------------Don't you know there's nothing bad'bout living life fully,giving your all to what you believe,and being yourself truly?

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Soil of Understanding

Idea buddingtwirled petals delicatePerched upon the tipof tiny thought twigBorne of rising sapand deep roots buriedIn rich soil of understandingAwaiting blossoming...

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