The geraniums have run amok this spring. Everywhere I go in this town of ours, the geraniums are lavish in their bushing and blooming. One might think we were properly ensconced on the coast of the Mediterranean. I have visions of a stone walled alleyway, with a cat on the porch, and old world charm exuding from every nook and cranny. As I fill my senses with the exuberant odor of them – even in imagination only – I am transported instantly to my Grandmothers yard, and a simpler more sensory time of my life.

And then there are the roses. Did someone tell them that whoever bloomed the most abundantly would win some highly sought rose-pleasing prize? Everyday I head out on my walk with my camera in tow (because if I do not bring it, I am bound to be disappointed that I didn’t). Each time, there is some new colony of rose bushes having their own battle-of-the-blooms. It does not seem to discourage them when it rains, they are simply prolific this year. And, oh, the perfumes! My nose has reached nirvana this spring on many occasions. Truly, this is May Day joy!