After Penny Peccary adopts a seven-legged “beast”, she learns that even a little critter can make a big difference. Joining Penny on her personal journey, we meet those she holds most dear and discover their lives in many ways mirror our own. Young and old will delight in this coming of age fable of South Texas.
Buy the book here.
Penny: “Hi! I’m glad you decided to come and visit me here. I like meeting new people and making new friends. It wasn’t too long ago I met my best friend Harry. He’s an eight-legger with seven legs, and he tells some of the best stories I’ve ever heard.
When I first met Harry, I was afraid because he can look pretty scary if you don’t know him. Are you afraid of scary looking strangers? The book, Penny Has a Great Day! tells about some of our adventures when we first met. I hope you enjoy it.”

After Penny’s book came out, word got around that her dad was one tough hombre. An oil company got wind of it and asked Diego if he would join their team. One thing led to another, and now Diego is the company’s official mascot, and they even changed the name of the company to Javelina Gasolina.
How about that?
Our Friends Have to Say
“Penny Has a Great Day is a South Texas fable which utilizes animals—in this case peccaries—to teach children important life lessons about friendship, tolerance, respect, obedience and cooperation. Penny is… click here for more“ – Book review done as part of the Wise Bear Digital Book Awards competition.
“This well-told, richly illustrated and heart warming tale is a delight. The lessons resonate on many levels, and will enchant readers of all ages.” –A. Wolfson, educator, Valencia, CA
“As a newcomer to Texas from Kentucky over 30 years ago, how I wish I’d had Penny to introduce me to Texas terminology and the way of South Texas Ranch life. Penny is a good will ambassador to anyone who visits or is born in Texas. She shares the Texas pride of which I have now become so accustomed. Penny should be the newest addition to any Texas library.” –Kathy Adams Biedenharn, San Antonio, Texas
“The South Texas answer to Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book.” –J. E. Timmins, Kingston-on-Thames, England