Inspirations and Projects
Besides art creation, I have many inspirations and projects. One of my nicknames is “Too Many.” My husband lovingly calls me that because I am a Maker. A maker of things. Part of the creative energy of a Maker seems (at least in my case) to be to act as a magnet for stuff.
Sometimes, this can lead to the shadow side of the energy (hoarding). Luckily, and consciously, I do not participate in that shadow. Still, I rarely have just one of something. I usually have multiples of most anything I value as useful, e.g. tools, equipment, and supplies. And when I seek a certain kind of experience, many opportunities arise (such as getting to be part of the Rhino Car creative team with David Best at LA MOMA). A lifelong challenge for me has been limiting what stuff and what experiences I will allow into my circle. “It’s all so cool!”
More than things, or experiences, however, is a plethora of exciting ideas, inspirations and projects. A few of these, which have actually come to some kind of sustained fruition for me, include: