Artist Statement
Creative expression is my lifeblood. Doing art is somewhere at the very center of my being. It is who I am, what I do. It is the magic that binds my life together, and helps me to make sense of it all. It is a joyous, wonderful experience for me, a constantly expanding adventure that I feel compelled to include in my daily life.
My life is a tapestry of unusual and diverse experiences. My work is reflective of that diversity and my deep and abiding connection to Spirit, as I live my mission: To act as a catalyst for growth by channeling Spirit’s Love, Light, and Joy in whatever creative energy form it expresses through me.
It is my intention to act as a catalyst for growth by being a clear channel for Divine Spirits love, light and creative expression. I receive guidance through the ever-overflowing artesian well of joy in my heart gifted to me by Spirit.