Memories of Bear

Memories of Bear

Crazy Two-Legged

I first danced with the bear when I was 12 or so. Calling in the wind, before we danced,  it swirled around us. All was connnected, all is connected. How is it that we have gone so far astray?

Winters Clouds

Winters Clouds

Springs Awakening

I have been steeped in the process these days of re-awakening to my highest potential self. This bumpy winters end has been a clear reminder of my roots and where I can find the fodder of my sustenance.  I created this image last night.

Angel Between

Angel Between

Twin Spirits


Playing more with layers today, and a bunch of new brushes I created out of old rubber stamps that I carved back in the day that I discovered I could make them out of erasers. Wow! That was a day of discovery. Discovering that I could create my own brushes in Photoshop was a day like that too. Today was just a moment of play (not to downplay the value of that).

Limitless Love

Limitless Love

It seems this image a day project has quickly turned into an image plus words. As we near the time of  the year that love is more the topic than not. It is my belief that that should be true year round.

Onion Skins

Onion Skins

Layers of My Being

I am loving playing with photographic images and my paintings coupled with my own thoughts and poetry. Since I have this one image a day assignment which I intend to fulfill,  it is apparent that it is a perfect method for me to give myself permission to play. What fun!

Gypsy Heart

Gypsy Heart

Calling Me


I have stacks of drawings of faces that have appeared to me, whispering their story, asking to be seen.