Do you have a consistant brand – a unified business identity?

I participated a series of workshops way back when called Alpha Awareness Training. I gleaned a lot of tools there for dealing with life in a positive way. One of the concepts that Wally Minto talked about in this work was that there are two ends of a spectrum called imagers. We each and every one of us imagine – “image” – things in different ways, including “seeing” no images at all. Anyway, the spectrum is “changing imager” vs. “fixed imager.”

Every time a “changing imager” imagines what they wish to create or what they would like as an outcome, the visualization is different. I used to work with a woman in a small art store who was a totally unleashed “changing imager”. Every time she would work, the store would take on a completely different look, and all of the stock would be moved around. It was great for sales. The customers would come in and not see what had attracted them before. Ack! When they discovered that it was actually still in the store, only on the other side of the store, they would buy it before it really did get purchased by someone else.

A “fixed imager” is the person who sees one thing in one place solidly always. If you should happen to move the couch an inch during cleaning, this person will most likely not be comfortable until it is returned to it’s correct place. The goal stays in mind until achieved and beyond.

Most of us are somewhere on the spectrum, not really one extreme or the other.

I, for example, have a constant stream of ideas. Given the slightest opportunity to brainstorm about anything, a treasure-trove of jetsam will wash upon my shores. On the other hand, there are unbreakable threads of motivation which have remained very steady as core values of my personality. These recurrent themes pursue my imagination with a bulldog-like persistance.

You might be wondering what all of this has to do with your branding. Your branding is an anchor: it provides a fixed image in which your clients and customers can trust. Rock solid, it provides the foundation on which to build of all your promotions and marketing.

A formula for success involves a happy combination: let the changing imagers create new and edgy products, promotions, and advertising campaigns while you tether them to your overall success with the fixed image of your unified business identity.