A Moment

A comprehensive moment
congealed ‘midst railing wanderers
cackling and moaning besides
It was not necessarily
the best of times
nor did the worst come to mind
Rather a team of instigators
playing jolly well
and happy to be



Plains of Love

In the company of horses
we can ride the plains of love

Seeking the one enthralling vista

where misted mountains
hug chilled and pristine lakes
Or in mundane moments
we can ride the dusty trail
past the old abandoned well
On a steed of strength and power
allowing free rein
We can experience the wildness
as we can gallop through unknown terrain

Stalking the Wild

Urban hunting season
has come early this year
•  •  •
It’s time to start stalking
wild and renegade feijoa –
the uncivilized pineapple guava
As cunning as any wild varmint
they hide amongst the bushes
Like plump green Easter eggs
waiting to be plucked and scooped
•  •  •
Even amidst the hustly bustly
the feral and intrepid thrive…

Vision of Wild

Twisting and straddling endless ruts
on tiny forgotten dirt roads
for miles and miles and miles
It was easy to believe
that civilization would
never be found again
Then upon a distinguished turning
into a narrow valley green
with sky so close it could be touched
and a meadow so green it almost hurt
Thereupon, a pounding, rollicking herd
of ghostly mustangs flew across
A vision of wild, taking breath with them

Cloud Horses

Sun came romping out
so it must be tomorrow
Let’s once again lean back
and zap scuttling clouds
With thoughts of rabbits
and galloping horses
(the child’s game for serious adults)
• • •
Like islands in the sky
equines cavorting in the wind
let’s ride our ponies
Our hearts beating
like hooves of our steeds
on misty ground
over wild and untold heights