Enter Here

Enter Here

Enter here your path
the path of life 
of your choice
The gateway an open door
always open
always changing
Make your choosing
while alive
while awake
conscious and aware
Joy it is 
that walks the path
Joy it is 
the destination


Walking Together

Arm in arm or
Hand in hand or
Side by side or
Together in Spirit
We walk our own paths
our separate unique paths
Supporting, encouraging, nurturing
loving, playing, cajoling

• • •

Just saying, “Thank you”
for your part of Us

They Wait

Farther then the eyes can see
up beyond that big bend
they wait:
Surprises, miracles
Challenges, inspirations
New friends, old voices
Dyings and blossomings
Our choice:
Run, skip, snail’s pace
tumble, walk, speed

or transported by tornado

Old Habits

Returning to the old landscape
the landmarks were familiar

The faces of déjà vous
had not quite the same expression

The paths were worn
but adjusted to new configurations

Old habits die hard
still it’s easiest to tread lightly
on forgotten pathways

As if exploring for the first time
new joys await around the next bend