Spring’s Breath

Spring’s Breath

When in the garden fallow
Twig and leaf are dead

It’s time to cut and trim, dig and prod
Preparing for the lovely breath of Spring

In the winter of my memories
Where feelings lay unsaid
And frosty numbness veils

Life within, still seeking
Is poked and tethered dead
With sharp and pointed emotions

Let’s trim away, instead
The rot, the used and spent
For our spirit’s Spring 
Once again to joyously blossom


once again like clockwork
another reiteration
the tulip magnolia bloomed
a surprise attack in pinks
glorious magnificence
as radiant sumptuousness
wind blew
grey sky blustered
gusts lifted and twirled
thus spring
resplendent prequel


Spring of Life

One tiny thought
watered and sunned
nurtured and supported
Can become anything
your heart desires
So, just like a flower
the many petals of my soul
burst forth in beauty and grace
It is the Spring of life in this moment…

Jumping Seasons

Spring sneezed
And summer
Jumped right in
To the say the line…
Bless you!
Springing Spring

Springing Spring

Speaking with Tulips

I headed out for my daily 20 minute walk with camera in hand. It was an hour before I got back home. I was certain that it was only 15 or 20 minutes. I fell in love with the gardens in the neighborhood. I fell head over heels.