Spiral Dance

The spiral of our soul’s path
Takes us ever nearer the center
The one, the All we never left
My life is a series
Of circumstances
On the spiral dance
We call Time…

Dance of Life

In the cosmic dance
the partners swing out
away from each other
Then, like magnets
are drawn back together
in a great spiral
The Earth she is returning
to the light that is our Father
Blessed be the
dance of Life
Daily Napkin for Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Daily Napkin for Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here in the circle within
circles, he weaves each one,
nosing his way through,
the sacred songs boost him,
keep alive the spiral dance
sending him with prayers
and entreaties on his journey…
The bear heads for his long sleep
Dream, dream again,
another vision, oh brother

Spiral Dance

Spiral Dance

The Daily Napkin

Spiral Dance

Spiraling out from
your center
is a rainbow
of love
light ever singing,
ever dancing
in hues abundant