Mental Fury

Taming the fury in my mind
I listened to the whispers of my heart
felt the longings of my soul
Riding the rapids of emotions
I centered on the tractor beam of Spirit
stayed focused on the point of Love
And found peace in the midst of Life

Souls Journey

We join together hearts rejoicing
circled up to share some songs
Devotional praises abounding
heartfelt rhythms move us along
A group of friends called Souls Journey
We play music and sing of Light
God, Goddess, Spirit, Great Mystery
kiirtan dance and chant delight
On the road of Life we travel
each one follows deep heart yearning
Let us gather now, sing out loving praises
for we are all on our Souls Journey



The peacock perched
on the porch rail
Every morning and evening
for days and days
Calling out in lonely voice
looking beautiful
next to the redwood deck
A vigil of sorts
a Spirit watch
Calling to my soul

Calling me back home


As he strummed and
plucked, the strings
responded with a
sound that could be
called sublime

Each new phase of his
development in life
was remarked in
the crafted words of his

Sing on, minstrel…

Full Voice

The body loves to sing full voice
as the lion, the song bird
the frog upon his lily pad…
——– ————- ———– ————-
Every fibre
the truth
the joy
no matter
what the words
All is permeated
sound embodied