Glorious Sound

There, in that echo-y room
amidst steamy mists
and freshened skin
There is a glorious sound
full heart, full voice
Spontaneous celebration of Life
bursts through dammed up feelings
Infuses the brand new day
in joyous harmony with the Universe
Happy Day!


One more day
Singing in the morning
Awakening to the joy
Before the rest of the day unfolds
It tints everything
A rosy warm
Even when it’s cloudy
Life is a celebration!

Sing the Light

Everybody sings the Light

Light is the expression
Of a small part
Of the spectrum of vibration
That is all that is!

We are the singers
Of the Light

An enormous chorus
Symphony of Light

Light Songs

Her words, like stars
fell from her lips to sparkle
across the blanket of sky
In myriad constellations
with tales of bravery
and lighthearted frivolity
His songs, like the dawning
of inumberable days
Awoke birds in their nests
for a sympony of praises
Noting life’s sweet passage
with infinite delight
The days of light, like triple rainbows
spanned the valleys
in lavish Mystery

Stage Life

Friendly people
with smiling faces
surrounded him
As he stepped out onto
the stage of his life
Guitar in hand
and a song in his heart
Life applauded abundantly…