Serenity Glade

Imagine a place beyond, if you will

Beyond skewed perceptions
beyond all judgments of you and me

There, in that glade with softened light
where dappled and delightful dwell
I’ve found moments of serenity

Bubbling creek of understanding running by
The sweet smell of harmony filling my senses

And ever present, the sounds
and caress of peace
softening my knowing with Love

Courageous Serenity

Examples aplenty
in Nature can be found
for serenity and courage
most naturally abound

Bear, for example, is easy
serenely walking the woods
yet with courage faces obstacles

And how ’bout squirrel
with all his chattering
stops to ponder for a moment
shows serenity in action
and courage planting trees
They’ve planted 4 oaks, 2 figs
2 maples and assorted grapes
in my yard

The Pond of Life’s Stillness

Near the meadow
by the pond
there’s a large rock I lay on
When the sun sneaks
through the trees
to warm the rock and my bones
Mosses bright and tinkling spring
turtle warms herself, too
And deer, when I am still,
stops to drink it in
The serenity of this place
graces my quiet moments
even if only a second long

Banks of Serenity

My mind is always floating
near the banks of serenity
Keep me, keep me in peace
as I walk through life’s dramas…

Serenity of Service

Loving the least
in all our humanity
Filling our cup
at the well of service
Bowing our heads
in all humility
giving it up
Surrender and peace
True serenity