The Feather Man

The feather man
could have chosen
to wear a crown, a blessed badge
To beat his chest
and play top of the heap
Instead, instead…
with open heart to open hearts
he gifted feathers, his treasure
To a circle of sisters
whom he did not know
And became all the richer
for giving his gifts…

Harvest of Love

Harvesting the fruit
in the autumn of our lives
Awakening together
at dawn or the middle of the day
We go along our separate paths
gathering the rich bounty
with arms open wide
sweet, juicy, lovely
We return home together again
surrounded and nurtured
by life’s, love’s Grace…
Zebra World

Zebra World

Zebra world
all black and white
an attitude
a way of thinking
Zebra world
surrounded by brilliant green
on Earth of red and yellow
and blue above
butterflies bright
rich life available to all
There is a place for all
no matter how they think

The Meadow

Over in the meadow
where the horses play
and those tiny yellow blossoms
bloom like wildfire

The verdant earth
and the turquoise sky
all join forces to provide
a visceral feast for my eyes

Ah! Life is rich!

Life Chef

Life Chef

A chef of Life, he is
a concoctor of rich flavor
tasty and extraordinary
Every tidbit, every moment
is worth savoring
Each morsel of Life
is filled with the love
from his strong heart
And would please
even the most discerning palate