Prosperity of Relationship

A lifetime collection of friends
a bulging pouch of beautiful jewels
a wealth of warmth and love
Each friend of many facets
sparkles in my mind
rises warmly as joy in my heart
An abundance of kindred souls
each one a priceless treasure 
fills me with deep gratitude
Thank you for standing with me
and walking beside me
holding me in your heart
helping me realize
the prosperity of relationship

Exquisite Life

He experienced
a completely exquisite life
Most deeply rich in Spirit
and flavorful
Not necessarily about things
his prosperity ran like a thread
throughout his every fibre
Direct from his true Source
adding texture and color
to his own meek imaginings
And providing a constant backdrop
for his ever constant gratitude

Prosperity of the Soul

More than enough
everything filled
joy, peace, love
bliss even
ever running over
abundance of spirit
prosperity of the soul
for all


Your treasury is full
of gems and gold..
You, and your
spirit are very
Daily Napkin for Thursday, October 22, 2009

Daily Napkin for Thursday, October 22, 2009

What is it about flowers?
Roses and violets, lilies and orchids
daisies and pansies and geraniums and daffodils,
luscious reminders
of lavish abundance,
each cactus blossom a delicate flame
every buttery mullein bloom
a study in perfection
Explore in the garden, even in fall
signposts of color mark your path
through God's prosperity thinking
and sweet attention to detail



*smiling in the face of adversity
*loving unconditionally
*dancing with abandon
*holding life joyously and sacred
*staying conscious

I give you AH!