Eternal Optimist

Ever the optimist
always doing the “right” thing
Waiting patiently
for the inevitable good ending
right outcome
Putting in ever more elbow grease
effort unceasing
Dealing with cards dealt
finding the lining
or at least hints of it
With smile and hope
and bits of sparkle

Turning Your Wait

A Child’s Lesson in four directions
(Who wants to just stanza?)
Twirly-queue wandering
from here to there and back again
Ballerinas on point
and clowns with noses
whirling and running around
willy-nilly, according to their own discipline
Everyone waiting for logic to set in
common sense to take control
meanwhile, the winds of change
keep blowing–flipping circumstances
And the landscape surprises
at most every turn
Year one – Turtle

Year one – Turtle

First you have
an epiphany:
“Ah-ha,” said the turtle,
“If I keep putting
one foot in front of the other
I’ll get there eventually!”