Discontent stirs the pot
of humdrum day to day
Heats it up somehow
until we boil over
with new joy
• • •
Meanwhile, the stars rise
and set each day
Dancing their joy dance
Whether or not we are
experiencing our storms of life
Greet the Day
In ceremony
the groundhog community
greets the new day
Each rising up
on their haunches
facing the rising sun
and singing the
Greet the Day Song
It is the favorite
ceremony of the day
○ • • • ○
Happy mid-winter, everyone! Spring is on its way.
Conscious Work
A labor of Love
Their deep conversation
Passed gently through
The hours of productive pain
To birth a new understanding
Between them
Old Habits
Returning to the old landscape
the landmarks were familiar
The faces of déjà vous
had not quite the same expression
The paths were worn
but adjusted to new configurations
Old habits die hard
still it’s easiest to tread lightly
on forgotten pathways
As if exploring for the first time
new joys await around the next bend
Hallowed Eyes
Hallowed eyes
grasp me in their grip
telling stories of an old
crisp and dusty nature
Awakening feelings
stale in flesh
and bright in Spirit
Keep me ever in that gaze
Let the shackles slip away
crusted build up soften
And new day dawn
around me
within me…