The sweet, sweet aroma
permeates everything
manna for the soul
Essence of heaven on earth
reminder of the sublime
Grace of nature’s flourish
In any of God’s gardens
The aroma soaks in
through every pore
tickles the subtle body
Softening, softening…
And the rains came
when least expected
on the cusp of a slim chance
– or was it no chance?
Tiny wisps first appeared
on the coattails of a wish and a prayer
beefed up by stormy emotions
they clanged together
The banging ring of pot lids
grew and gathered
‘til hunkered all together
to rain their blessed moisture
and slake the garden’s thirst
Slow and steady works best
when slogging through
the mud of Life
(Unless, one has perfected
tiptoeing across the top…)
Muddled and cuddled
by squishy earth and water
the stuff of dreams or nightmares
And, great for the skin
with other immediate benefits
even as it sucks you in
Just when I thought
I was too deep in mud
The water softened
revealing rocks beneath
And, sun above, cheering
cleared my way
slow and steady
And tenacity arrived
at a brighter day
That one branch there
Is supernaturally lit
By the dawning sun
Glowing as if from within
A softened warm light
All highlights brilliant
How is it the one was selected
by design or happenstance
And is there a difference
Between the two?
Who cares?
It’s beautiful to behold