

All Dressed Up and…

I drew this originally when I was working as a secret movie goer person. I had seen The Bridges of Madison County about a dozen times at that point, so I was drawing in the dark of the back row, as I counted people comings and goings in and out of the theater.  It stood on it’s own as a drawing, however, I just felt like spiffing it up digitally tonight. What fun!

Creating Under the Pressure of the Long Learning Curve

OK, so this new client wants some new thing, this technology, or that newest buzzword. One more time, I jump on the “can do” train and spend countless evenings studying something new so I can whip it out as if it was there in my pocket all along.

I have to admit, from the outside, I would admire my “Hutzpah,” however, from the inside I am reminded once more of my humanity, and the inability of the body to go for too many days in a row driven by some inner demon with a craving for self-dis-approval. It probably sounds painful. That’s because it probably is. Actually, in fact, it is.

If I counted all the things that I know that I can do, one would use up all the fingers and toes of a small city in no time. The problem with that is that the time allotted for a lifetime is finite, and if one spends their spot of time available working on all of the things possible, then no shiny ONE thing is developed.

It seems I must remind myself that “can do” does not make “must do.”

On my wall in my studio, I have a quote, supposedly from the Buddha,

“No one purifies another. Never neglect your work for another’s however great his need. Your work is to discover your work, and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.”

What is your work? That is a question that I ask myself frequently. My heart can only whisper love notes from the truth and grace can only bless my bent head. And so I seek.

Yet, all the while, my mind lingers in the hallways, seeking answers in the darkened maze.

Discover my work, and give myself to it. . .