Bee Balm

Upon the curved lip
of turgid, achingly beautiful petals
the bee treads with loving feet
Drinking in the sweet nectar
of life’s full sustenance
gifting pollen in his wake
How blessed we are
by their sharing
Thriving on the fruits

of their loving labor

Sharing Stories

They loved to tell stories
and each loved to listen
And, so, their lives were full
Never a dull moment
Spirit loves you
now and always
So let’s keep sharing our stories

with each other…

Always Grateful

Celebrating the fact of life
with gratitude and love
• • •
Like rainbows and promises
of ever-present joy
Or baby cheeks or puppies
sunsets and rises, too
Like those and many more
I never tire of love
I’m always grateful of life
in all its parts

Serious and Goofy

At the core
in the heart of our hearts
it’s strong and resilient
bright and warm
an abundance of Love
Foo foo frillys and other sillies
just add layers of texture
to our rich, rich life
Serious and goofy
lovey and loopey
Growing older on the outside
while more young
and free inside


Spirit’s Reflection

Summarily, she concluded
that it was all the same anyway
All a part
of the same goodness
She saw light reflected
from their eyes
• • •
Love occurring
is not just coincidence
It is Spirit’s intention
and you are the vessel…