*Special Note: Today is our 9th wedding anniversary.
What a blessing for the both of us. We’re very grateful!*
Three is stable
a building block
a triangle
The wholly trinity
you, me, and Spirit
• • •
Those lips
oh those lips
Oohed out
in a super pucker
Remind me of
how precious
this very moment is…
• • •
I appreciate you
with all of my being
Your spirit
your foibles
your gold
your shadow
All of you!
Sunlight through the leaves
reveals their bones
their physical essence
So, light through you
reveals your essence
You are abundance
You are peace
You are joy and bliss
and all of you
You are Love…
Until the last song is sung
our voices rejoice
in the expression of life
As we ride the waves
of love and compassion
in the ocean of life today
Surf’s up!
Raw emotion
(energy in motion)
moves the planet
the universe, our lives
• • • •o• • • •
All emotion a reflection OR deflection
of the One emotion we call Love
Energy in motion
relating to itself
• • • •o• • • •
The motion never ever stops
Always and ever
infilling the eternal Now
What’s the difference?
Between one day and 10 years?
between just met and happily married
– A whole lot of Love
through ups and downs
stresses and playtimes
difficulties and easy street
– A whole lot of Love
Here’s to 10 to 20!
(We started dating ten years ago in July)