Rock of Love

as a child, he depended upon
hanging on tenuous hooks
prepared for fun and silliness
unmitigated play amongst
heaps of adult minefields
the knowing piled up high
in his gut of guts
no matter what
the insidious circumstances
there was the rock of his father’s love
tethered and bonded in an ocean of emotion
as a man, there exists calm fortitude
while they grow softly closer
in age, maturity, and wisdom
even while physical distance gaps
growing space separates with a padding of love

Open Arms

When the hair on my neck
stands straight
I open my arms
shine the love
and breathe
Mmm… the sweetness
of Spirit flowing through
Then I look into the heart 
of that little one inside
How could you feel
anything but love
for this child?


We can ask for simplicity
All of our needs
And wants met
In a clear, simple way
As we dance
among the stars
Waving our arms
in exultant celebration
Ever hopeful, ever full
Of love and joy

Pulling it All Together

Momma bird gets it
all together
A stick here
a thread there
A bit of fuzz
and loving intent
until the nest is woven
Eggs ensconced
in the patchwork places
for them to hatch
May your thoughts
all pull together

Group Hug

Group hug time!

Reaching with hands to hands
both tenuous and bold
In-filling with the love
-that each of us seeks-
-that each of us is
Until our mutual love battery
Is fully charged
and hugging the entire planet
With love and more love
From us kids to the
big, beautiful, loving Mother Earth!