I Am Love

Around and around
Spinning softly as an atom
Or our lovely planet
Divine Love is whole,
Perfect and complete
In fact,
It is all I Am…

Knotholes and Blemishes

Sometimes, we’re knotty
with each other
It’s at those times
that love emulsifies
Now we let the blemishes
blow away in the winds of forgiveness
and our  spirits can shine
through our hearts
While we go through
the knotholes of life together
softened by our gratitudes


The star on your forehead
Shines brightest
When you are steeped in innocence
Or when you belly up to the playground
What makes you so special?
That’s easy!
You are a unique individual
Within the whole of Life
And, the Universe loves you beyond measure

An Eternal Moment of Love

Angels singing
with the mourning dove
wakes me to the new day
whispering my name
my real name…
the praying mantis
is always praying 
every moment
with every part of its being
Such is living in the now
In the Now
I eternally love life

First Meeting

Their first meeting…
a faded drop of paint
off in a plain section of washes
as if the brush was afraid of the paper
The background of pastel strangers
sketched with tenuous bristle
into hours of exuberant meeting
The images of tree and bush
river near lake, appeared
a landscape of love becoming
tendrils and clouds emerging
Like the constructs of humans
the garden wall was built
and covered with vines almost instantly
So strong the urge to grow and flower
celebrating each day of life together