Praise Song

The sweet, sweet smell
narcissus heady
joyous spirit ready
to fully aloft we swell
Voices joined soaring
full bodied roaring
where one true voice dwells
and there in the making
singing in the choir praising
ring out the sound
of love like a bell


Fair Play: a ride on the carousel.
Rocket Science: something that requires study.
Love: everything.

It’s not rocket science – I love playing with you
on the carousel of life.

All for One

Like an earnest
herd of elephants,
community gathered ’round
held her up with love
and other soft arguments
bolstered her confidence
when her own faltered…
The family of man and woman
came through in the pinch,
left her not in a lurch
and kept aloft her trusting heart

Daily Journey

Daily Journey

The Daily Napkin

Overflowing with soft
and filled at center
by Spirit’s light,
ten thousand times,
they made the distance
from head to heart and
became a beacon into night.
When all the circle
joins the laughing
then let the new dance begin
yet once again