Bathing in the light,
soaking in the brilliance,
the rich depths of me
are flooded with awareness
layers upon layers
years of experience
immersed in joyous remembrance
warmed by light’s caress
Consciousness luxurious
subtle and deep
The candle burns
it’s little light bright
in the velvety darkness
The moth is attracted
it’s conflagration
a phsst!
in the symphony of the night
We are each the candle
We are one with the moth
What silly winged thing
is waiting in us
to burn away
in our own brightness?
Raven squawked
and ruffled her tail
contemplating loudly
walking the land
a lady in wait
Feathers so dark and somber
even as she strutted
with life and wisdom
Darkness imploded
and struck accord
Re-emerged the birth
of light
In this very moment,
the treasures of the heart
break free from bonds
placed blindly in dark places
in the game with blindfolds
Like a slow motion nova
or the flowering of light,
heartspace expands,
lighting even those lurking
in corners
into bright
Playful as a puppy,
I ran with the bone of thought:
then by instinct
in the world of fear,
I buried it
to find again another day