Bright Dream

The real thing
The truth shining through
Is obvious to the center
Where gut feelings are born
That clear truth
That speaks of everything
So apparent in anything
Shines light on the darkest corner
This bright dream
That wakes upon its dreaming
A beacon of hope’s veracity
Permeates each conscious hour

Note from Dena –  Ever since my mom passed away, in early March, I have been experiencing a catharsis through grief, which also interrupted the publishing of the Daily Napkin. I believe the mending of the  fabric of my life adds richness and depth to my creative expression, even though the process causes lapses in my daily practices. 

Happy Winter Gift

Instead of our normal e-cards this year we are offering up here the words of several past napkins with Dena’s images and accompanied by our Soul’s Journey band singing our original song called Unconditional Love.  It was our first attempt, and there are many things that could be done differently, however, we have decided to release this video with unconditional love, recognizing that it is evidence of our sweet journey!

May you be blessed with an abundance of joy, peace, harmony, and community, surrounded by love!!

Ceremonial Gratitudes

Ceremonial gratitudes
performed with engaged heart
Send out waves of light
and lots of love juice
I am grateful for Spirit’s presence
in my life

Avenue of Dreams

Sun spackled walls
around the heart
Paint faded and cracked
solid on the alleyway
where the shadows dwell
All light windows and doors
on the street and park side
on the avenue of hopes and dreams
The little child learned
oh, so very long ago
To keep her back covered
as she reached for the light


Frumbly mumbly
mired in muddling thoughts
Or twinkly winkly
uplifted and light
The fact is you’re loved
the same huggly snuggly
Nurtured and beloved
night, day, light, dark, high, low
Ain’t that grand?
(Yeah, I think so, too!)