Moment Seeds
One thing that
always comes up
is the little seed of
life within each moment
each situation
each eternity
This napkin was in a bag of napkins that Marshal had found, not yet published.
One thing that
always comes up
is the little seed of
life within each moment
each situation
each eternity
This napkin was in a bag of napkins that Marshal had found, not yet published.
I got to go to an event in the bay area this last weekend with a group of friends. This tree was singing to me! Lovely, lovely, lovely! I was reminded of this poem I posted on the Daily Napkin a couple years ago. As always, I revised it a bit to fit. The many layers of texture in this photo are subtle. I especially enjoy building up layers in a subtle way.
One of the side benefits of doing the image a day this year, is that I am creating a whole line of images for my Serenity Cards. I’ve been making them large enough and high enough resolution that they are appropriate for high quality printing. It’s two ways to invest in myself – both my creative self and my business self.
Playing with the light
tossing it from hand to hand
His aura glowing from the
increased energy of the effort
He came to the momentary conclusion
that this was much better
Than the simple
juggling of Life…