Child’s Imagination
A child with great imagination
stood at the brink of insight
With a smile upon her face
eyes of wonder and mystery
softened even the toughest heart
As fantastic stories of epic proportion
flowed from her mind
tickling her lips on arrival
Childish Hearts
all mumbly was my memory
with sparkly spots
here and there
‘til in dream awoke
bright and shiny
warm and pleasant summer day
and you and I
with childish hearts
hunkered down
on plastic ride toys
and raced on giggles
‘til falling over with glee

Little Bird

Little Bird
Little bird sits in the South East quadrant of my circle. Little birds naturally sing joyously all day long for the pure joy of it, in full bodied gratitude for the gift of life.
Rejoicing in life fully, little bird blesses us with the song of Spirit. Any other stones landing near Little Bird are somehow attached to your joy and your gratitude.
This is a conscious practice, and the involvement of this stone in your reading means that you are working consciously to appreciate your gifts in life, and to experience true joy.