

I love it when I get to play, letting my imagination fly, letting images and words interact, fed by the muses, joined together in a fusion of moments of fancy. I love blessings. I love the blessings that arise in my heart when epiphanies embark on a road less traveled where even my simplest inspired impulses are safe to tread.

Dawning of a New Art Challenge

Dawning of a New Art Challenge

My newest self-imposed art challenge: I choose this moment to recognize the urge to push beyond some unseen boundary that has been keeping my blogging at bay. In 2013 I attempted a challenge to create and POST a new image everyday for a year. It was more than I could do. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about self-challenges, it’s that I do much better with those that I can succeed. So, this time, in an attempt to revitalize my art sharing efforts, I challenge myself to complete an image a day for one week. Then, I will re-evaluate and perhaps make another small scale challenge to myself.

I’ve been creating images and/or working on other creative projects some little bit everyday. The problem has been that I have not shared hardly any of them. The more I didn’t share, the more guilty I felt, and the more difficult it became to break free of my self-imposed limitation. It has now gotten so ridiculous that I’m going to break the down-spiraling cycle the only way that I can imagine doing so, by covering my eyes and blindly acting as if it’s not a big deal that I stopped and went on sharing hiatus for 2014. I intend to get back to sending out my newsletter the same way.

How about you? Do you have any invisible boundaries that have kept you from expressing, creating or sharing? Have you considered sharing your own art challenge? If so, share it with me on facebook. You might even win something. I’m thinking I would like to gift those that walk along the path with me.



Even at the beach, she appeared unruffled…

There isn’t much that would ruffle Fanny

Her countenance of fortitude

indicative of an intelligent woman

with no real bones to pick

other than the major ones one must face



Just to illustrate my point

I re-worked an image that I did to illustrate a book cover years ago. It fit The Daily Napkin today, so I thought that I would re-create it for that and here.

I am noticing that it has been a month since I posted an image. This is not a good trend. I intend to remedy it.