
Honoring you for your work
the day to day nose to it
and way more
with a cherry on top (not maraschino)
The pulling, the seeping
The trudging, the weeping
The smiling, the joy work
Involving the unfolding
Allowing bigger
Discovering lighter
Enabling growth
Honoring you and me
and all of us…


Oh, the honoring!
to have a concert of your own
Held up high by friends and supporters
fans and admirers
Ah, such glory! 
Every individual
should experience such an honoring
in their own way
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Golden Hot Seat

Golden ruffles
on the edges of his personality
Outward expressions
of the thick vein within

The shadow of his profile
for purpose of contrast
describe a thin man
while his golden aura
shines bright and true

The rich man rests for a moment only
on the hot throne of gold and jewels
before he takes off again

Unique Spirit’s expression
embodied as man…

Daily Napkin for Monday, November 9, 2009

Daily Napkin for Monday, November 9, 2009

In that lodge of the heart
where all my relations dwell
where spirits pause
to pray, to sing, to honor
there in the womb
of our common mother
wells up true humanity,
there I am cleansed
of the lesser, as I give
a piece of me
in earnest effort