Raise the Vibration

Filled with the light of Spirit
Spirit, Spirit, Spirit
Thrilled with expression of Spirit
I’m a walking beacon of love
Hey there, sittin’ on the fences
Ho there, standin’ on the line
Yeah, you there, eyes downcast now
time to raise the vibration
Just smile
make a decision and move…

Tortoise Joy

Little boy…

Like the captain of his ship
or a slow motion cowboy

Rode astride the huge tortoise
gallumping along half time

With a grin as big
as his little face would hold

Grand Life (Full Reign)

Grand Life (Full Reign)

Like a big happy face cartoon sun

every ounce of myself
was beaming joyousness at the world
My toes were dancing independently
and my cheeks were pinking
As my hands engaged
in the depths of creative fury
Life is grand when in sync
Everything is right
when I allow guidance
full joyous reign (and rein)

Happy Dog

The thing I like about
a happy dog is
Dog doesn’t give a rip
what the silly grin looks like
Dog just exudes joy
That’s why dog works so well
for the G-O-D anagram
Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy!

Springs Happiness

Pink explosions everywhere
and spackles of greenish white
squirrels waking up
to skitter and play
swollen river receding
brown, skirted by brilliant green
everyone happy
to be alive
Ah, Spring!