
Too many times
she said “Yes”
When she would have
served better saying “No”
Too many things to do
too many things


Focus of the Cat Hunting


I do my best work when I maintain the focus of the cat hunting.  Never let your sight stray from the goal…

Focused on Up

On the fence
the cat surveyed
both sides
seeking something interesting

When little bird swooped
and tickled her ears

she focused on Up…

Do, Be, Have

To Be…
Singular in focus
a source of Peace
A smile that travels exponentially
the diving pebble
A conscious co-creator
In community
To Do…
The next true thing
Follow the nudges of the heart
listen to the still voice
To Have…
A lucid life complete

and splendidly on purpose

Great Deal

Considering his history
he had plenty of evidence
To support his belief
that he got a raw deal
that is, until
he reconsidered
Looking anew for any evidence
of what a great deal
he had gotten
That side won…