Flying and Angel Stuff

So many things fly to mind
when contemplating
the joys in life
Gratitude grows
when exercised
It’s in the exhilarating
dreams of joy
that we ourselves can fly
• • •
Angels don’t flit
rather they soar and glide
according to some perceptions
angels hover and sing
or something
Did you ever wonder 
if there’s angel aerobics?


Perhaps I’ll fly one day
when my brain is so aligned with Spirit
so that I sprout wings
of angel-like quality

In the meantime…
always in my dreams!


Stepping off the ledge
the fledgling fluttered
And sputtered and flew
into his new life
Of soaring on the breezes
in joy
Year two – Soaring

Year two – Soaring

In your dreams
have you not flown
with the birds,
or swum with the fishies?
Immerse yourself
in the essence
of life and soar!
What is resistance
but lift beneath my wings,
rocks in the stream
but a thrill in the flow?