Spring’s Breath

Spring’s Breath

When in the garden fallow
Twig and leaf are dead

It’s time to cut and trim, dig and prod
Preparing for the lovely breath of Spring

In the winter of my memories
Where feelings lay unsaid
And frosty numbness veils

Life within, still seeking
Is poked and tethered dead
With sharp and pointed emotions

Let’s trim away, instead
The rot, the used and spent
For our spirit’s Spring 
Once again to joyously blossom


intense below the surface
vibrant at its center
like a fiery rainbow
misting through the cells
feelings permeated
infiltrated, illuminated
charged the moment
upon expression
created movement
instigated experiences
catalyzed growth

Clever Porpoises

Sailing on the E-moceans
with crisp breezes
countered by undercurrents
of vast feelings
Fastened with instruments
ingeniously designed
to harness even difficult waves
Enough to catch enormous energy
for useful purposes (or porpoises?)
How clever!!!


Once there was a story
a lovely, engaging little yarn
filled with drama
sadness and happiness
stress and peace
The retelling of this archival tale 
jogged memories
provoked feelings
held me hostage to the past

Until one day
and spiffed up 
I let it go
I forgot it…

Feelings Freed

Left hidden and locked in darkened corners
once wild and tempestuous feelings
fester and wart, crust and bubble
do their part to age brittle bones
the bars of ancient cages

Set free by a change of mind
coaxed out into the sunlight
reluctant and limping at first
they return to natural ethereal selves
here one moment, gone the next
willing to awaken our life