
Courage wells up
in my heart
Once I’ve stepped
into my fear
I am here to support you
in your courageousness
To en-courage you
on your path

Part of

I must remember
‘midst the gnashing and fear
in the shadows of this world
that it is all love flexing
light waves dancing
presenting a gift of life
as I am
immersed in It
a part, a teeny tiny
infinitesimal part of All
Oh! The joy in that!

Black Bird Guidance

Walking down a new street

a bit timid, still moving feet

When big blackbirds, crows I think

came diving at my head, crawking and squawking

putting up a stink

Fear came and roosted

in my screaming countenance

waving arms and hands around my head

doing the scaredy-cat dance

Until I turned around

and chose a different street instead

Cape of Dreams

He wore his dreams
like a cape of courage

Woven of conscious construct
from the fabric gifted
as visions from guidance

He walked with his head up high
through trepidation and every old story
told in whispered breath
by ghostly voices of the past

Thus, he sang his soul’s song…

Switching Directions

The sun reflected off a window
peeked in a different direction
this morning…

Soul-searching question

arose like a fist

 “Did the world switch
directions as I slept?”

The reflection of Love is fear
We can simply recognize Source in all